A key component of The P.L.A.Y. School mission is to not only support the child, but to also support  the community around them. 

At the P.L.AY. School, we believe in supporting the community around the child as well as the child him/herself. We encourage parents to volunteer during the school day, as well as in our numerous events throughout the year. We invite parent speakers during our Community Helpers unit and guest family readers during Literacy Month.

We also believe in educating and empowering the support system around the child. Throughout the year, we offer monthly Coffee and Community meet ups for parents, a Kindergarten Readiness workshop, parenting tips through conversation and social media, as well as workshops on early childhood topics.

Our unique program structure of part-time and every-other-day programming is a vital part of what makes us able to build community and foster relationships within the school and between the school and the local community.